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content marketing

How To Find Your Target Audience

September 03, 20244 min read

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

Albert Einstein

digital content


Alright, so you know how I said in a previous video there are three categories of people?

There are people who are ready for your services right now.

This is the group everybody's advertising to, making it a hyper-competitive market and hard to get to.

And remember I said this turns out to be 3% of the people who see your ad and purchase “Today”

And then there's this bigger segment of the market that are probably going to be ready in the next 30 to 90 days or so.

And then, of course, the rest of them may never need or want your services.

Well, when you look at that bigger segment of people who are likely to be ready in the next 30 to 90 days… wouldn't it be cool if we knew that certain things might happen to them that would accelerate their desire for your services?

That's called an indicator.

An indicator is some event that your market will experience which will give your audience a greater sense of urgency for your product or services.

Let’s take the example of observing how home security companies market offline.

If a house gets broken into in a neighborhood, what a home security company will usually do is scan the police reports for all the local break-ins.

Then they will start a direct mail campaign to all of the neighboring houses that are near the place that got broken into basically saying,

“Hey, there's been some crime in your area, would you like us to come out and put a security system in to protect your home and family?”

So, the first thing you need to ask yourself is what could be an indicator for my marketplace?

What could they experience or what could be happening in their lives that would cause them to have a more immediate need for your services?

Let’s say a family moves into a new neighborhood.

They may need a new family physician.

So, if you are a Family Physician you could network with Realtors, Moving Companies, Chambers of Commerce, etc. and when new families move close to your office, you could direct mail an ad to them.

When builders are developing new communities, you could have a flyer put into their new home buyer’s welcome package.

So, here's the thing: if something works well offline, it can often work easier, cheaper and faster online.

Now the question becomes, if we know an indicator where someone could use our services has occurred or is going to happen, how do we advertise for it?

Answer, here's what you do:

The name of this game is a concept called Intent-based Branding.

Intent-based Branding is really very simple to understand.

We identify a target audience and then we put very useful content in front of them that speaks directly to their particular needs.

If they consume that content, it means they're probably interested in whatever it is we have, and then we make specific offers to them.

So, let’s go back to the new community that builders are developing near the office of a Family Physician.

In this case, we would create content that speaks to needing a new and local Family Physician.

Content that would be genuinely helpful for them

Maybe performing school physicals for children.

Content that speaks to a solution or to their frustrations.

Finding a physician who can handle all kinds of issues.

We would set up our targeting to appear to those people who come within a certain radius of the new community development of homes.

General content that all of your patients find helpful is always a good idea as well as targeting content.

Because we have data points set on every aspect of the ads, we can determine who has seen the content and how much of the video they watched.

If they didn’t click on the “Learn More” button to set an appointment, then we know they need more information to make a decision.

So, then you run retargeting ads to that specific audience who watched portions of the previous video but did not click on “Learn More”.

These would be offers of your services after providing more content.

We don't want to make an offer for them to come into your office during the initial content part.

But when we retarget those people that we already know are interested and have watched the content we provided, we can add an offer at the end of future content.

This is how we educate first, build a bond and when we know they are watching our content, we make an offer

Really simple concept.

Very, very, very effective!

Few people ever plan their ad campaigns with this much detail.

If you do, you'll probably come out ahead and you'll help a lot of people in the process.

I hope you found this helpful.

If you know anyone else who might enjoy it, please feel free to share it.

Until the next time, may God Bless You And Your Business.

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