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missed calls

The Perils Of Missed Calls

September 02, 20245 min read
missed calls on the high seas

Arr, Me Hearties! The Perils of Missed Calls on the High Seas of Business

Ahoy there, fellow captains of commerce! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of treachery and woe—a tale of missed calls and lost treasures that could sink even the mightiest of ships. For in this modern age, where every small business is a vessel sailing through the stormy seas of competition, the missed call be no mere inconvenience. Nay, it be a treacherous reef upon which many a promising enterprise hath foundered.

The Treacherous Waters of Unanswered Calls

Picture this: Yer fine ship, a small business, be sailin' smoothly. Ye've invested a king's ransom in buildin' a grand vessel—yer website, yer advertisements, yer SEO strategies. Ye've charted a course through the murky waters of Google Search, where 60 percent of all landlubbers come lookin' fer local services after discoverin' ye on the ol' internet.

But lo and behold, when they find ye and give ye a ring, there be no answer! The silence echoes like the call of a ghost ship in the dead of night. What’s that ye hear? It be the sound of gold doubloons slippin' through yer fingers, lost to the depths of Davy Jones’ locker. Each missed call be a missed opportunity—a potential customer adrift, leavin' yer ship fer another that be quicker on the draw.

The High Cost of Missin’ the Call to Arms

Missed calls be no trivial matter, me hearties. Let’s talk treasure. Suppose each customer be worth a chest of gold—say, a tidy sum of $1,000. Now, if ye be missin’ 50 calls a month, and every one of 'em be a potential customer, that’s $50,000 worth o' treasure ye be lettin' slip through yer hands every month! By Neptune’s beard, that be a loss that could make even the bravest captain quake in his boots!

But it ain't just the treasure ye be losin'. Oh no, me hearties. When a call goes unanswered, ye be tellin' the world that yer ship ain't ready to set sail. Yer reputation be takin' a hit worse than a broadside from a pirate galleon. Prospective customers, they ain't the patient sort. If ye don't answer their call, they'll move on to the next ship in the harbor, and once they be gone, they be gone for good.

The Curse of the Missed Call: Reputation in Ruins

Aye, it takes many a year to build a fine reputation on the high seas, but it only takes a few missed calls to see it dashed upon the rocks. When yer customers call and hear nothin’ but the sound of silence or the cursed voicemail, they be thinkin’ ye don’t care for their business. And what does that do? It sends 'em runnin' to the competition faster than a sloop in a tailwind.

Yer reputation be like a finely crafted ship’s hull—it must be cared for, lest it start to leak and eventually sink. Every missed call is a crack in that hull, and if ye don’t patch it up quick, ye’ll find yerself takin’ on water. Before ye know it, yer fine reputation will be sunk, and yer once-loyal customers will be chartin’ a course for other shores.

Growth? Ye’ll Be Talkin’ About Survival!

Now, what about growth? Aye, that’s the wind in yer sails, the very force that drives yer business forward. But how can ye expect to grow when yer lettin' opportunities slip away like sand through yer fingers? If ye miss 50 calls a month, that’s $50,000 lost—not to mention the cost of all the marketing ye’ve invested in to get those customers to call in the first place. All that effort, all those shiny coins spent on SEO and ads, wasted because ye couldn't answer the call.

It’s enough to make a captain weep into his rum! Without growth, ye ain’t just stayin’ still—ye’re goin’ backwards, sinkin’ into the depths where only the foolish and the unlucky reside.

Protectin’ Yer Business: The Solution to the Missed Call Dilemma

So, what’s a savvy captain to do? Ye can’t very well be manning the crow’s nest, the helm, and the rigging all at once. Ye need a way to ensure that every call—every potential customer—be answered promptly, without fail. But how can ye do that without addin' more hands to the crew, more mouths to feed, more costs to weigh ye down?

Fear not, me hearties, for there be a solution as clever as a pirate’s best trick! The answer lies not in more crew, but in smart technology—an automated system that catches every call ye miss and sends a prompt, friendly message to the customer. This system lets 'em know ye ain't forgot about 'em, and that ye'll be in touch soon. It keeps 'em engaged, keeps 'em interested, and most importantly, keeps 'em from seekin' out another ship.

With such a system in place, ye'll be turnin' those missed calls into treasure chests instead of dead weight. Ye’ll be showin’ yer customers that yer business is sharp, professional, and always ready to answer the call, no matter the hour.

A Final Word from the Captain

So, me hearties, if ye think missed calls be no big deal, think again! They be the silent killers of many a fine business, draggin' down profits, ruinin' reputations, and stiflin' growth. But with a bit of foresight and the right tools, ye can turn the tide in yer favor. Don’t let yer ship flounder on the rocks—take action today, and keep yer business sailin’ smoothly on the seas of success.

Remember, in the cutthroat waters of small business, every call be an opportunity, and every opportunity be a chance to make yer fortune. Don’t let 'em slip away—answer the call, and the riches will be yours!

There ye have it, a tale of missed calls and lost fortunes, but with a bit of cunning, ye can turn the tide and claim the treasure that’s rightfully yours.

Test out our Missed Call Text Back system yourself - here's how:

  1. Grab your cell phone and call: (228) 335-3377

  2. Let it ring at lease once

  3. Hang up and watch the Magic!

  4. You will experience exactly what your inbound caller who hung up before your office could catch the call.

After that, make an appointment with me (David "D14" DeSchoolmeester) to get a trial for your office at:


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